Sarah Grabowski
EDIT 6190 First Timer
Spring 2003

*Read my received desk crits.*

Beate Vagt-Traore
Kenneth Ondracek
Myung Hwa Koh
Julie Conlan


Project Creator
Beate Vagt-Traore

Date reviewed: Thursday, April 3, 2003
Project: African Cinema Website

     The first page is wonderful in design. I love the film clip. The only thing I noticed is that the word "Resources" moves a little with the rollover. I think the image may be a little different in the two graphics. Also, the History Clip overlaps the "0" in 6230 - this doesn't look bad, just letting you know. On a personal note, I'm not crazy about the oval in the background of African Cinema. I really like the effect, I just wonder if a different shape would be better suited. Maybe it would help if you made the oval larger, so the words almost fit into the oval. But like I said, it's only my opinion.

     The only link that worked was the History Clip. I really like this page too. You may want to re crop diayellowbig.gif, there is a beige horizontal line along the bottom. I also think the titles across the top should be the same size instead of making them as large as possible to fit in each clip. I think that this will give it more consistency. Overall, I like your color scheme, it looks safari like, and I love the film clips.


Kenneth Ondracek

Date reviewed: Thursday, April 10, 2003
Project: Ancient Pueblo Indians Study Guide Website

     First thing that I noticed was that your main page took forever to load, and I have a cable modem! I decided to download your graphics and opened them up in Photoshop. The first graphic, 391hopi.png, is 518 KB and has an approximate load time of 32 seconds on a 28.8 dial-up and that's only for the one graphic. I recommend that you take each of your graphics into either Photoshop or Fireworks and play a little with the size and quality. If you look towards the bottom right of the Dreamweaver screen, there is an estimated load time. Your first page is 3,899 KB and 1083 seconds or 18.5 minutes on a 28.8 dial-up. I'm sure the school that will use this site has a faster connection but I think the faster the load time, the less likely the kids will get restless waiting for the page to load.

     Once the site loaded, I noticed that the horizontal blue lines don't seem to line up where you may have intended. On my screen (Windows ME, Internet Explorer, 1040 x 600 screen, the blue lines go through 391hopi.png and the bottom bird-head guy. Also, the words Ancient Pueblo People are not centered on my page. Both these problems can be addressed by using tables with 100% widths if you are interested.

     I really like the layout of the page located at this address: The navigation bar on the right is very helpful in getting around the site. I also like the idea of the page 1 of 1 on the bottom of the page, however, I was a little confused at first as to what exactly that was applying to. I think it may help to put the title and the page in the same cell, i.e. Ancient Pueblo People, page 1 of 1. Again, I really think tables would be helpful for this page too. Click here to see what I saw.

     On a side note, it's not a very good idea to title an html page with spaces. As you can see above the spaces get turned into %20. I suggest either underscores _ , or just calling the site people.html.


Myung Hwa Koh

Date reviewed: Thursday, April 10, 2003
Project: Travel to Seoul Website

     The first page is nice in layout. It is an interesting shade of green used for the background, it reminds me of pea soup. I think that the picture of the map may look better if you crop it so that the international airport part is not in it. The map will then be centered in the area. Also, the words are a little blurry.

     On the "what to see page" the header does not go all the way across in my browser. I recommend you change the width of your table to 100% instead of a pixel number. Also, on some of your other pages, the gray & white geometric background goes all the way down. On this page it does not. I suggest that you go to Modify, Page Properties in Dreamweaver and insert the background image there instead of a table background. The orange header with the building seems to be cropped in an inappropriate place. Where is the rest of the building? Also, the description of the Han River doesn't seem right. Are there more things you can include to see? I can't believe there are only two...

     On the "what to eat page" I have the same suggestions about the width of the page and the inappropriate cropping of the green food header. I really like the food images, how did you make them? Are there more that you can include?

     On the "what to do page" the header is cropped nicely but again, the background does not go all the way across my page. Several of the images are the same, did you mean to do that? Also, maybe using Header 2 or 3 would make the titles of each picture stand out more. Will each picture also have a description? Try making the word Taegwondo stand out more too.

     On the "what to buy page" the header is nice but seems inappropriate. The picture reminds me of an American department store, like Sears or JC Penney's. All the other images seem okay, as well as their descriptions. Also, is there anywhere special to go shopping? That would be nice to include too. What about accommodations? Any thoughts about including them?


Julie Conlan

Date reviewed: Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Project: Second Glance Photography Website

     It has been so great to see your project develop over the semester! I love your choice of colors and pictures for this site! And it's flattering to see that you have already incorporated some of my suggestions. Of course, I do have some more...

     On the intro page, I love the font you selected for the title! For the slogan, I think either it should be one line or add some ... after "Capturing your gaze..." and move it to the upper right. Also, on my screen, the horizontal lines are a light blue, which don't go as well with the color scheme as maybe gray or black bars would. Try inserting <HR color = "#333333"> instead of just <HR> to change the color to gray. On the right, maybe try putting horizontal bars between the building images, which are awesome by the way, so they can have their own space.

     On the portraits page, I think it's okay to change the picture titles without messing up the links. The thumbnails are the links, not the words. Also, to fix the gray box on top, change the cell pad and cell space to zero under that tables properties and then change the number of cloumns to one. In the footer, don't forget the © symbol, it's under insert/special characters/copyright. I love the way the door lights up!! Also, keportrait2.jpg has a broken home link. I think on each picture page you can also change the title, maybe more of a personal or descriptive one.

     On the weddings page, try putting the horizontal pictures in the same row for a more consistent look. All links here worked fine! Maybe try putting the second paragraph first and making "Moments live forever in wedding photos-" end with a period. Just a grammer thought...

     On the everyday page, maybe try putting the colored pictures in the same row or even column and again keeping the horizontal pictures together. I would also take the door picture out, since it is on every page anyway and this one doesn't light up!

     Did I mention that I LOVE YOUR SITE! Congrads on building such a great site.












































































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