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Internship in Instructional Technology

Dr. Janette Hill

Spring 2004

Task 1   Internship Documentation
Task 2 Internship Proposal
Task 3 Internship Agreement Form
Task 4 Internship Report
Task 5 Internship Time Log
Task 6 Internship Reflection
Task 7 Evaluation of the Internship by Intern
Task 8 Evaluation of the Intern by Site Supervisor
Task 9 List of Computer-Based Training Courses
Task 10 Package Acceptance Module Storyboard
Task 11 Package Acceptance Module Screen Shots
Task 12 Internal/External Packaging Module Storyboard
Task 13 Internal/External Packaging Module Screen Shots
Task 14 Hazardous Materials Module Storyboard
Task 15 Hazardous Materials Module Screen Shots
Task 16 International Shipping (ISAT) Module Storyboard
Task 17 International Shipping (ISAT) Module Screen Shots
Task 18 Drop Box Module Storyboard
Task 19 Drop Box Module Screen Shots