Project Abstract


UPS Corporate Office
Client Contact
Clemmit, UPS Retail Services
Subject Matter Experts
Stephen, Head of Security
Chad, Head of Packaging
Project Background

The Organizational Training & Development Department at UPS has been hired to produce computer-based training for newly hired UPS Customer Center Associates. This training will include two modules on packaging, both assigned to me. The first module, Package Acceptance, will have the honor of being my 6200 project.

Project Description

The Package Acceptance module will be designed to introduce new UPS Customer Center Associates to the basics of package acceptance at the UPS Customer Center. This will include the basics of packaging and shipping rate calculations.

Abstract | 15/5's | Boards | Goals & Objectives | Content Analysis | Lesson Summary

Flowchart | Prototypes | Curriculum Integration | Rationale | Cost Estimate | Evaluation

Personal Home Page | 6200 Management Site | Project Documentation | Course Requirements