Purpose Statement, Instructional Goals, & Objectives

Purpose Statement
The purpose of this module is to introduce UPS Customer Center Associates to proper package preparation so that customers' packages are delivered on-time and in good condition.
Instructional Goals
  • Explain package preparation at the UPS Customer Center
  • Demonstrate package measurement and weight calculations
  • Identify shipping rate calculation procedures
  • Explain proper packing procedures for shipping regular items
  • Explain placement of the UPS label for shipping regular items
  • Identify proper packaging and recognize possible problem packages
  • Sharpen the skills that help you reduce damages and the claims that result from them
  • Demonstrate how to measure and weigh an item
  • Identify the different types of shipping rate calculation procedures

Abstract | 15/5's | Boards | Goals & Objectives | Content Analysis | Lesson Summary

Flowchart | Prototypes | Curriculum Integration | Rationale | Cost Estimate | Evaluation

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